AI for Students…for review

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cover of book AI for Students

AI for Students:
Creative hacks for academic success (an illustrated guide)

Official release: 9 Sept 2024
$14.99 US paperback
$ 8.99 US eBook

Buy on Amazon (from 9 Sept 2024)

ISBN 978-0-9733156-7-7 (pbk)
ISBN 978-0-9733156-8-4 (ePub)

Scroll down for downloads and samples.

This book is great! I really like the gentle humour and the illustrations. It has just the right tone, structure, and content to help students get to grips with AI as a learning tool.
—Steve Rolfe, Lecturer, University of Stirling

Generative AI has shaken up education, leaving some excited and others uneasy. But fear not! This engaging, comic-style book reveals practical secrets to making AI a fun, healthy, and effective learning tool.

With AI for Students, anyone in school, college, or university can use tech like ChatGPT to improve their academic work — and enjoy it more.

You’ll learn to:

  • Collaborate with AI chatbots: Gain practical ‘prompt-engineering’ secrets to work smarter with ChatGPT, Copilot, and similar tools.
  • Boost performance: Do better work without cheating or outsourcing your brain.
  • Build healthy habits: Blend AI with study, reading, writing, planning, and brainstorming, while increasing your autonomy and critical thinking skills.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: Get involved, get confident, and get creative while the tech is still fresh.

This guide is a must for anyone looking to stay competitive while staying calm in today’s tech-driven academic world. Perfect for students and educators alike, this book is your ticket to harnessing AI while keeping academic integrity and creativity intact.

Buy on Amazon (9 Sept 2024)


Josh Thorpe (MA SFHEA) is a lecturer, writing instructor, and academic advisor. He has worked with students and teachers from all over the world at University of Toronto, University of Stirling, Glasgow Caledonian University, and Glasgow School of Art. Thorpe is also a writer, artist, and musician living in Glasgow.




If you’re a student or educator (or have a friend who is) buy AI for Students on Amazon (9 Sept 2024)!